Kanye West: A Brand-New Ye

From GQ:

… Page Six can’t overshadow the main point: Carine Roitfeld was sitting next to Kim Kardashian. That alone to me is like the same moment when I brought Mos Def to the studio with Jay Z. It’s about the people, and the fact that they’re from different walks of life, and that they’re working together and not discriminating against each other. There was a class system, and now there’s a creative class system, and I think that’s what you were talking about a bit—the class system of creativity.

Not everyone is going to get what he’s saying, but it’s quotes like this that put Kanye on another level. He sees not only the industry, but creativity and the artistic process, in a way none of his contemporaries can even fathom. He is my generation’s Bob Dylan*.

 He may become even more fundamental than Dylan. Only time will tell.